Gameplay Variety in Titanfall 2

I first played Titanfall 2's campaign when it released in 2016. I was a crazy teenager at the time so I missed a lot of the excellent qualities that it contains. One of my friends finished the campaign recently and suggested that I play it. I had been looking for a new game to play so I figured I'd give it another playthrough. I don't know if it is because I have played a much wider of variety of games since, or that I have spent a significant amount of time studying video games, but I'm realizing that Titanfall 2 is one of the first person shooter campaigns I have ever played.

There are a number of things that I've realized as I have been playing. The first of which is connection to a game series that I was not expecting at all: Super Mario Brothers, especially the more recent games. While I haven't played those games as much as I should, there is a great video by Game Maker's Toolkit that dives into the design philosophy that makes the Mario games so exciting and fun through their entire playtime. They continuously introduce new mechanics at the beginning of every level, and then cease using them at the end of the level. Each level still has the base of being a 3D platformer at their core, yet they each have an interesting twist that keep things fresh. Titanfall 2 does this exact same thing. Weather its blinking through time or using a power core to activate giant turbines, things stay quite fresh in Titanfall 2. It's all built on near perfect first person shooting, and powerful mech action. 

In order to get achievements I decided to play on the "master" difficulty this time around. This was the best decision I could have made. For me, a lot of games lose the fun on harder difficulty modes. Titanfall 2 gets arguably better because rather than making me frustrated, the difficulty forced me to strategize and plan. The game's verticality and speedy movement allowed me to traverse levels without being shot and killed the second I was in the line of site of an enemy. It was very fun and quite rewarding. The game also features a very kind checkpoint system that eliminates a lot of the tedious repetition that plague other game's harder difficulties. 

The campaign is also quite brief. Perhaps it wasn't such a novelty at the time of release, but it was great to play a game and finish it in a short amount of time. Because of this, nothing in the game overstays its welcome, especially the story. I guess I might just be getting sick of games that demand dozens of hours of my attention to make any progress. Titanfall 2 was a breath of fresh air in this regard.

This is a game that I recommend to anyone that enjoys first person shooter games. It's very unique and very fun. I would go as far to say it is one of the best single player first person shooter experiences ever. The best part of all of this is that the game is ridiculously cheap to buy, or a quick subscription to Game Pass to play.


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