Tiny Tina's Wonderland is the Perfect Game to Play While Waiting for Fable and Avowed

If you are anything like me (a person whose parents purchased an Xbox in 2002 and have been playing there ever since), you are excited for the upcoming slate of games that Xbox has lined up. The two games I am probably most excited for at this point are Fable and Avowed. Fable because it is one of my favorite game series that I have been playing since the beginning, and Avowed because I love Pillars of Eternity and Obsidian is probably my favorite storytellers in the game industry currently. The only problem with being super excited for these games is waiting for them. Thankfully I recently discovered a game that filled the void in my heart left by waiting for these games. Because of its fantasy setting, goofy dialogue and atmosphere and first-person action, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is the perfect game to play while waiting for Avowed and Fable. 

The reason I started playing Tiny Tina's is because I'm a fan of the Borderlands games. I wasn't as big a fan of Borderlands 3, but the gameplay was the best in the series up to that point, so I was hoping Tiny Tina's would be Borderlands 3, but with a more interesting story and characters. I also knew the game was going to be silly, however, the silliness combined with the fantasy setting helped the game to shine in a much different way than I was expecting. At times, it felt like I was playing a first-person shooter Fable game. Tiny Tina's scratched that Fable itch that has been itching for over 10 years. The heavily DnD inspired world of Tiny Tina's compared to the fairytale world of Fable feel very similar, and that makes Tiny Tina's even more enjoyable.

I played Tiny Tina's as the Spellshot class. Basically, the player has the ability to equip multiple spells that they can fire to inflict elemental damages on enemies while they are firing their guns. These spells range from ice beams to poison bombs. Something stuck out to me while playing is the Spellshot powers look a lot like how magic use is going to work in Avowed. Perhaps avowed won't be as silly and lighthearted as Tiny Tina's is, but there will be first person spell casting and magic use. Heck, there is even going to be guns in Avowed, so maybe these games will feel more similar than I am expecting. 

Again, if you are like my and you are anticipating Fable and Avowed, you should give Tiny Tina's Wonderlands a try. It's a fun game and it helped my heart with the waiting for both of those games to come out. If nothing else, I do believe it is a better overall game than Borderlands 3, and can be bought for pretty cheep. I hardly believe it would be a waste of time to anyone that likes first person shooters.


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